Friday, April 23, 2021

The Alleged 'All-News' Station, KCBS: Caitlyn Jenner over Bay Bridge Shutdown

THIS is what KCBS was tweeting all morning.

Only hours earlier, over five hours to be exact, the Westbound right lanes of the Bay Bridge were BLOCKED off, affecting hundredds of Bay Area motorists and KCBS not only didn't report on the matter, but kept repeating vague "there was 'police activity' on the bridge." WTF?!"

I CALLED a KCBS staffer and was told "we heard it was someone threatening to jump' and we don't cover those things." Really? Then why the hell call yourself a news organization. DISGRACEFUL!

What pathetic morons.

So an entire region is affected bythe partial closure of a major freewayt artery and KCBS decides to play your mother and fail to tell you just what "police activity" there is on the Bay Bridge, I'm going to vomit, excuse me.

But Caitlyn Jenner news is a must. Oh my god.


  1. Actually, they used the term, "person in distress". Being that the person had been in "distress" since 0215, I think many of us could deduce that there was a threatened jumper. KCBS' usage of the term so as not to give attention to the situation. I come on to KCBS every morning 0518 and while it may not have been covered as a news story, it WAS part, if not the lead of each and every traffic report until at least 0648. KCBS covered it accordingly.

  2. Look at the quality of the broadcasts on KCBS. From audio glitches to this. About right. After all, KCBS is part of AUDACITY -- the channel that has the AUDACITY to call itself a viable media outlet.

  3. KCBS's stance on not reporting the details that someone is threatening to jump is likely because they do not want to be part of romanticizing jumping off the bridge, and potentially encouraging others who are in distress to do the same. You can agree or disagree with that stance, but if that is the reason, it's with good intent.

  4. Personally I think its refreshing to see a news station use restraint in such a situation. There was no benefit to the public to come out and say it was a jumper. Common sense.

  5. Was it ManCow, getting a haircut as a stunt for WiLd 107.7????

  6. Caitlyn Jenner is hot!

    1. Yep, and hundreds of thousands of dollars can make you that hot, too!

    2. @ 11:45 Obviously, you haven't seen the closeups!

  7. I'm trying to keep an open mind about Caitlyn. In the past, he has espoused some 'conservative' beliefs. If he says there should be no transition surgery or treatment for people under the age of 20, I may be able to take him as a serious candidate. I am not talking about hermaphrodite conditions. Those children need help asap.

    If being Trans is going to control every single decision made while Governor, then I could not vote for someone like that. Such a candidate will be hopelessly biased and easily controlled by Special Interest Lobbies.

    1. She, her, not he, him. Got it?

    2. Why else would she be running? She has absolutely no experience in politics or government, nothing that would qualify her to do the job any better than Newsom and we know how arrogantly he has screwed things up. Jenner merely wants to get in to further the trans agenda and get the attention she obviously desperately needs. It and she have been furthered enough! The majority of those who have transgender surgery regret it. She has said so herself. The group has one of the highest suicide rates in the population and their mental stability is highly suspect. Except in the case of a hermaphrodite, it simply does not solve a problem that has to do with one's self acceptance rather than a fleeting outward physical makeover.

      Consider this also when evaluating her mental state, she chose the name "Caitlyn" after her son by a previous marriage had already married a woman named Kaitlyn. This is creepy to say the least. She chose to undertake all that is involved in becoming a woman to star in a reality series wherein her friends are chosen by the producers, and her life is loosely scripted to draw viewers. Can you imagine someone so desperate for attention that they would make those concessions to their demons? She is completely unqualified to hold the office from a mental standpoint, even if she knew anything about governing the State.

      This is an important election. A replacement for Newsom is desperately needed to put the State back on track. Jenner is not the person to do that. Elect someone who will get things done, ... Cox or Falconer. Cox already drew something like 38% of the vote even before Newsom demonstrated his autocratic, ego-driven style and his daily parade before the media for his meaningless sound bites. Cox seems like he'd be a shoe-in at this point. He's the best man for the job.

    3. Caitlin discussed in detail after the transition that 'she' still has a penis.
      Kind of hard to buy a deep, manly voice proclaiming femininity.

    4. How quickly people forget who replaced Grey Davis? An actor that was far less qualified than Davis.

  8. Having worked in this business for so many decades I was never able to get a real reason from managers and higher ups as to why the news media fails to report that a person is threatening to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. As much as I detest someone from taking their own life, the impact is more so to the traveling public. What if a heart is being transported from point a to point b? Every minute counts and the failure of the only news station to tell its listeners that a major tie up is taking place on the bridge because a despondent person is causing the tie-up and that alternate routes should be taken is beyond me!

    1. It gives other people who are suicidal, ideas. That's why they don't publicize people jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. I've always felt if the media stopped going cuckoo over mass shootings, there would likely be fewer mass shootings.

    2. 7:37 is correct in both of his assertions. Some people are by nature, compulsively melancholy, always Blue. They only need a slight suggestion of futility to give up on all of it.
      The media ignores their duty as stewards of News Events and tends to support whatever method creates the most fear, under the presumption that fear and or sex always sell. Take it from me, that ain't necessarily so.

  9. Welcome to the "New Normal" In Media Reporting! All the media outlets have a direct line to the CHP OPD & SFPD Public Information Officers willing to give moment by moment updates! The Media gathering Information has become a lost art! One only has to notice how many Stock Photos are used rather than on scene Photos or Video. For years I offered free content to KCBS from the scene, Guess What in 2020 KCBS Traffic blocked me on twitter for unknown Reasons.

  10. Shame on that woman formally a male. Is he/she drunk embrassing themselves????

    1. Yes. California deserves this shit.

    2. Then you wonder why people are running out of California! so much so that Cali. lost its first seat in congress.

  11. KCBS-All-Joke 740. Your Morning Mirth Crew. Come For the Laffs. Stay For The Commercials.

  12. Always thought the general rule on suicides was if its a "public person or public place" it becomes news.
