Thursday, December 19, 2019

Who won?

Image result for Who won the debate in LA Democratic

Real question: how much did you watch?

Seventh Dem Debate

Yang, Buttigieg roar

Biden wins big with decisive answers and knows when to just shut up

Warren a bit stagnant --delivers to base, though

Klobuchar, Sanders: traction up

Steyer: back to Seacliff and work a stump speech to endorse Bloomberg


  1. Haven't watched one Democratic debate this year. Much more interested in how their next nominee will do in the upcoming debates against Trump. That will be the acid test, and (as usual) Donald will be more than up for the challenge.

    Trump's aggressiveness reminds me of the way Joe Frazier used to fight. No matter how often he gets hit, he keeps moving in and punching.

    1. Trump will avoid the debates citing bias.

    2. That tactic would just increasingly provoke Trump's growing, fiercely loyal, and downright zealous mob of supporters. Frankly, Frank, the Anti-Trump crowd keeps swinging and missing in their attempts to remove Donald from office. The "resistance" has been futile.

  2. I can't watch this stuff. I've got political fatigue. I'm not happy about Trump being president, but I can wait 11 months to vote him out of office. But what's said at these debates and on the three cable networks is repetitive and predictable. And hearing the KGO hosts parrot the talking points they hear on cable TV is embarrassing. It's lousy radio. Hey, Chip, John and Pat -- talk about some local topics for a change. What do you think about the new homeless shelter on the Embarcadero? Or the crazy mom who rammed her car into the barber shop where her son got a haircut? Or the serial wedding reception crasher police arrested? If your slogan is "live and local" then be local!

  3. I can't remember a time when politics in this country were sooo exhausting!!!!

  4. Biden won by not screwing up...which is basically all he has to do to get the nomination. But the bottom line in this election will be the majority of voters will simply be voting against Trump, me included, hence ABT 2020! (anyone but Trump)...

    1. So you'll vote for an independent?

    2. 11:49 AM - anyone who can/will beat him, I'll vote for...

  5. dear 1:47..The audience for KGO is mostly NOT in San Francisco. Little stories like barbershop mishaps or wedding crashers are only worth a passing mention, if at all. Nothing less than the constitution and democracy are at stake at the moment. You have an incurious mind and claim that you can't "watch this stuff", but then you describe what is said on television news as being repeated on talk radio, showing that you do watch and listen.hmmm

    1. Clarification: the audience for KGO is mostly NOT free thinking.

  6. 11:36, just fyi, Donnie has said he doesn't have to debate anyone, including the eventual democratic nominee, so maybe he'll just punch himself.

    1. Teflon Donald is on his way to punching his ticket on the Trump Train back to the White House, as the LONG list of highly divided and self-destructive Democratic candidates haplessly punch away at each other.

      And on the subject of punch.....Tulsi is turning out to be quite the turd in the Democrat's punched out punchbowl!

  7. Best Dem debate this season. No Harris (no loss). Yang was good, especially in the afterwards show. I think Gabbard did herself in by voting present in Congress.

    1. If Tulsi runs 3rd party, we will know Clinton was right about her...she may try to be the Jill Stein of 2020.

    2. Tulsi has a vendetta against the Democratic Party. And her vindictiveness is a potent weapon for the Republicans.

    3. How about that Tulsi?! WHAT A BITCH!!!!!! And boy can that bitch bitch. She is Terrible Tulsi, hear her she goes to war with her "fellow" Dems. DNC, the Clintons, the other Democratic Presidential candidates, the party folk back home, etc.. Trump and Company can sit back and watch the Tulsi Tornado take out her current party's hopes and dreams.

      Unfortunately for the Democrats, the soon-to-be Turncoat Tulsi is still "present" in their nightmares.

  8. It's Biden's election to lose. If he can come across as just competent enough and not senile, he can beat Trump. The country typically goes for moderates (especially in swing states). Would love to see Saunders or Warren (as many Dems would), but know they could not beat Trump. Buttigieg is too young for now, but will be a factor in the future. Bloomberg is an emergency player if Biden has a health issue. Steyer, Yang, Klobuchar et. al. are too far down in the polls and have no realistic chance. Dems need Biden to shine, and he did (finally) last night.

    1. Feeble minded talking about politicians "shining". Weeks of prep with handlers. They're all phony as hell.

    2. Since Biden is definitely coming across as being senile, he will likely lose. Even the other Democratic candidates are overtly laughing at his cognitive impairments. Joe has been struggling with the brain fog problems since his VEEP days, and (to put it in Joe-speak) it ain't gettin' any better.

      In regard to Buttigieg, there are too many people with anti-LGBT views in this country. Regardless if one views that as being right or wrong, it's reality. Could he win the Democratic nomination? A bit of a long shot. And even if he does, he would be crushed in the General Election.

    3. @11:51 Feeble or not even die-hard MAGAts have to admit Trump has set a extremely low bar to hurdle. His act is beyond worn out at this point.

  9. Who won? does it really matter? Trump will be re-elected. "It's the economy stupid"

    1. I agree, that's why I didn't watch the debate. They have already lost the election. They have shot themselves in the foot using just four words, sanctuary cities and open borders. The wound will fester for many years!

      What caused the demise of Kamala Harris...four words. They all have a monkey on their backs which can't be removed or hidden, their demise will be...four words!

      The good News is 40% of the state's population, or 16 million people live in near poverty or poverty...I thought the number was higher. A by-product of near poverty or poverty, homelessness.


  10. Anyone but Trump! Anyone!!! Stop the insanity, please!!!

    1. Agree 100% - ABT (anyone but Trump)...
