Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Trump Letter to Pelosi on Impeachment Burns up the Lines on KGO Rothmann Show

Image result for Trump letter to Pelosi

The whole letter is here for you to read.

It's burning up the lines on the Rothman -KGO show, somehow news-talk radio was built for this.


  1. ABT (anyone but Trump) 2020!

    1. ABBAD (anyone but a Dim)2020!

    2. Pffttt... People like you are a bunch of hopeless commies.

    3. I love how people who throw around the word "communist" don't even know what it means.

    4. Funny how MAGAts call people who hate Trump "commies" when he's the one who is big buddies with Putin and Kim, great irony there, but I'm sure they don't get it...

    5. 9:21 don't drink the Kool Aid. Members of BOTH parties are in bed with "unscrupulous scoundrels".

      I used terms you could associate with, boomer.

    6. 9:21 I find it ironic that Trump is always saying the US will never be a socialist country or communist, but he seem to admire leaders who are dictators, or close to it, like Erdogan etc.

  2. 9:01 and 9:16:
    Better to be a "Commie"...than a KKKonservative KKKristian republiKKKan.

    1. Read some history. Democrats founded the KKK.

    2. Don't bother 8:52. They're lemmings. Marketing firms brainwashed them years ago. There's no fixing them. He probably logged off and started chanting "yes we can!".

    3. 8:52 AM - it's 2020, not 1865, things have changed, ever heard of "The Southern Strategy"??

    4. Yes the Democrats founded the KKK, but that was a long time ago, and it is not fair to put that label on todays Democrats, or even yesterday Democrats. Because a Republican freed the slaves, southerners resented that, and became Democrats, but I'm sure there are and always have been racist Republicans. It would be nice if no one was racist.

    5. to 10:52 I wrote the comments at 11:26 I couldn't agree with you more. However, it is not the first time I heard someone trying to tie the KKK to even todays Democrats, talk show host Mark Levin comes to mind.

    6. 12:05 PM - yep, totally agree, sometimes you have to educate people with facts, even if they don't want to hear it. Still waiting for a response about the Southern Strategy...

  3. That is the most unhinged 6 pages of self incrimination imaginable.
    He complains about due process (there hasn't been a trial yet) but he won't allow witnesses to be called at a trial?
    He can't even stop lying while bithing about getting impeached. He is going to turn the crazy up even higher than it already is in the next year.

    Any of the other 44 presidents get impeached for a letter like that alone.

  4. The letter was perfect, just like the call.
