Sunday, December 15, 2019

Radnich and KGO Continue To Talk But It's Always About The Money

Image result for gary radnich

RADNICH TO KGO: 'Show Me the Money'

He Didn't Really Say That But Said As Much

Officially from a Radnich source: he's interested in a possible KGO Monday-Friday gig but he's not going to work for peanuts and KGO, with its limited Disney/ABC budgetary constraints, isn't about to offer him the sky. Which is appropriate since there's been no formal offer just casual lunch in town so both parties can feel one another out.

Radnich doesn't have an agent and always acts on his own behalf. KGO has been repped by GM/VP, Tom Cibrowski, whose contact with Rad has been informal. We talked about a few lunches but we now know there's been a few phone calls too.

At this point, Raddy is still tied to his Cumulus buyout deal --that runs to February, 2020 --at that date, he's free to work with an outlet, be it TV and radio and I will say matter of fact, this is not the end to Raddy's professional life. He's enjoying the holidays at home with his wife and kids but he's also looking for options. There's a chance he'll continue his hiatus at home in West Portal but he's already sick of "being in the house."

I'll continue to monitor because I never go to sleep.


  1. And here, I thought (hoped!!) I had heard the last of Radnich. Sigh.
    Deja Vu all over again.

  2. Hiring Radnich would be the smartest thing KGO could do. If you want people to stay tuned for sports, you have to give them more than a talking head reading scores and showing the highlights they can get on their phone.

    1. I agree except for which Radi do you get?
      The mailing it in and don't care, like he did at Kron and Knbr towards the end or a rejuvenated Radi like the days of Radi and Bruno. That was good entertainment.

  3. If The Bentley puts on Mouse Ears, will he exercise his own Authority? And will he run Trixie out of town? There have been a lot of middle managers with tire tracks on them feeling the Rad Wrath.
    Of course, any hope of getting Trixie out of there - which would be a good thing and is very needed at Circle 7 - becomes nullified if the Bentley runs into two well-respected barriers who won't take any shenanigans whatsoever. Just the two best at the station.

  4. If Radnich lands at 7, it's a win for both. BTW - for all you Radnich experts, the Bentley is long gone. He's rockin' a MBZ.

  5. Why does Gary Radnich hide his left hand under the desk ?

  6. Wow!! good to hear he's still walking around. I thought he was in assisted living.
