Monday, December 16, 2019

Belva Davis

Related image
Davis (left) and late anchor, David Fowler

YOU KNOW Belva Davis--I do. Not only a giant, a journalistic treasure, a Bay Area icon but a woman who isn't slowing down but getting a BIG giddy-up.

Belva is a one-of-a-kind; old-school and unrelenting. Charming and personality galore.

Davis hasn't dropped out of the spotlight, although knowing the way she rolls, I'm sure she'd prefer to keep a low profile.

No way, Mrs. Davis, please don't --we need you more than ever.

I WISH there were more Belva Davises.


  1. Belva? just the best.. When I was hired by KPIX in the mid-seventies from KSBW, I was so in awe to just be in the same newsroom. Much later, when I filled for her at KQED's TWINC, it was an honor. I'm sad to learn of David Fowler's departure, and will always rememeber with delight, seeing Cab Calloway at the Venetian room with David and Belva. She is so smart,such a pioneer, not afraid of the tough question asked with civility, always knowing when it was savvy not to say anything. This is a great skill, and she deserves the accolades.

  2. Oops, that was Melba Beals. My bad.

  3. Man, does this industry need more people like Belva Davis. Sadly, they are few and far in between.
