Sunday, December 29, 2019

Assuming NBC Bay Area Has a NewsCast Tonight after Sunday Night 49ers-Seattle Prime-Time Game, BUT Wait...

Image result for raj mathai nbc bay area jessica aguirre

THIS IS A NO BRAINER--or is it? You have the biggest NFL regular season game in quite some time--a game so big it was flexed into prime time by the league's TV gurus and it happens to be the last game of the decade--oh, and it's the 49ers vs. the Seattle Seahawks --tonight on "Sunday Night Football", NBC's hallmark game, sure to be a ratings bonanza.

I assumed it would be a great chance for local O and O, NBC Bay Area to have its M-F main newscast --with anchors Raj Mathai and Jessica Aguirre highlighted --yes, a Sunday PM show following the game.

I called one of my  KNTV spies and believe it or not, nobody knew anything about a special Sunday night broadcast. You now know creativity, wait! Common sense isn't a virtue down in San Jose. But wait.

Image result for sunday night footballI'll predict someone was awoken down south and that Mathai and Aguirre will be in the studio tonight and take advantage of a MASSIVE lead-in  Post Game Show-, but hell, I don't assume anything these days. Oh well, they do read 415 Media and they'll be there--I don't need any credit if they forgot about the game tonight.


  1. Hi Rich. I think they're aware of the big game. Last night NBC Bay Area had a live report with Janelle Wang hanging out with SF 49er fans at a Seattle bar. Just win, baby!

  2. Einstein - it is also the biggest lead in for one of the networks shows too. Who cares about local news? Other than you?

    1. Nobody. Not even the people who work in it anymore.

  3. Brent Cannon is ready to jump in and anchor!!!

  4. Listened to last night's game on KNBR.
    The homerism displayed by Greg Pappa and Tim Ryan was just embarrassing.
    I can't count the times I heard Tim Ryan yell out "let's go guys"
    Hmmmm. Oh well, that is Bay Area media for you.
    As unsophisticated at it's best.
