Friday, August 2, 2019

Ask Rich Lieberman

Image result for ask rich liebermanANSWERING YOUR TV/RADIO QUESTIONS; PLEASE, name and town.


  1. What is the real reason that Jessica Castro left KGO-TV channel 7?

    1. I think she wants to go to Hollywood and become a star.

    2. > I think she wants to go to Hollywood and
      > become a star.

      LOL! Good luck with that. Maybe she and Elaine Corral can become roomates on Hollywood Boulevard.

  2. How long do you think the new knbr lineup will last?

    Dee, Stockton, Ca

    1. I'd give it six months when they do major tinkering.

    2. @4:58 - Did he spit racism at rallies & via twitter? Did Russia & Wikileaks help him get elected? I said "family members" aka nepotism, who shouldn't be conducting sensitive business for our nation. Were any of his cabinet members indicted and/or convicted of any crimes? Refresh your memory.

  3. Former SF mayor and district attorney Kamala Harris, she of Oakland roots, was photographed at the Democrat debates this week wearing a Dodgers hat. Remember the good old days when she was bandwagoning the Giants during their World Series wins?

    Why didn't local news push this story more? Because they don't cover Dem hypocrisy? Gotta sweep it under the rug?

    Juan in San Francisco

    1. Frankly, I didn't notice that KH was wearing a Dodgers cap.
      Mostly all politicians go that route--remember Hillary Clinton saying she was a Cubs fans even though she moved to NY, It happens. I don't think it's a big deal therefore little media coverage.

    2. Found it.

    3. Wow!! That is right up there with raping a 13 year old and getting help from Russia in getting elected.

    4. A campaign aid handed her the hat for a photo. Big deal.

    5. @11:56 Still nowhere near as bad as some of the bullshit Obama pulled that was swept under the rug. Cute try, kid.

    6. 11:56 why are you bringing Bill Clinton's many *documented* trips to pedophile island up on this thread?

    7. Juan in San Francisco - who the F cares?

    8. Oh sure a "campaign aide" handed her the hat. Rightttt.

      No frontrunning or pandering to the LA crowd here everyone! Move along!

    9. Kamala harris is not my choice for a presidential or veep spot, but a United States Senator is the senator representing the entire state, not just one part of it.

    10. @12:13 - Obama was never accused of being a pedophile, a racist, a crook & a cheat, nor having gotten the kind of help trump did to get elected. He didn't tweet and golf his ass off to half-run the country, nor did he appoint inept and inexperienced family members to high-security and sensitive positions. Also, I don't remember any of his cabinet members having been investigated, indicted and/or convicted of the crimes many of trump's have. Do you? Feel free to refresh our memories. If the above isn't bullshit, I don't know what is.

    11. @4:58 - True on ped, false on racist, false on crook, false on cheat and false on not having any help. Tweet nope his handlers wouldn't let him. Golf? Please do your research. Appointing inept people to positions of power? Refresh your memory. As far as his cabinet members, lots of controversy there. Love the revisionist history tho, thank you.

    12. @4:58 No one dared confront Obama on any of his abuses or miserable failings as President for fear of awakening the Al Sharpton hit squad ... and others ... with their pathetic and fabricated "racist" accusations. The whole country just looked the other way for eight years, and prayed for the day he left office, which couldn't come soon enough.

  4. One month away from the first concert at Chase Center. Have you had a chance to check it out yet?

    1. I have and it's great. Just try getting there and parking. (UGH!!

  5. The story that you did a few months ago with Ted Robinson being fired by the 49ers and the possibility of doing the TV play x play for the Warriors because of his friendship with Lacob, is there any legs to this, or do I have to keep the sound of watching the Warriors game for another season.

    1. Keep the sound down Neal, I'm sorry. But there's worse things in life, like reading Stan, right?

    2. haha Rich,
      I missed the Lowell Cohn columns with Stan the man

  6. Any chance Ben Fong Torres, Leah Garchik, Andy Ross, or any other "retired" San Francisco Chronicle staff will return to the 415 Media world?

    Pistol Pete in San Quentin

  7. Hi Rich: When KTVU GA Reporter Leigh Martinez first started with Channel 2 four years ago I used to regularly see her on air 4-5 times a week. Now I only see her on air 2 days a week mainly on weekends. Has she now fallen out of favor with the big wigs at KTVU? I personally like Leigh's calm, solid no-nonsense reporting style & would like to see her on air more often. Another KTVU GA reporter vastly under utilized is the lovely & talented Christina Rendon. I like to see Christina either co-anchoring KTVU Mornings on 2 or co-anchoring KTVU's 4 pm Newscast replacing the overrated Heather Holmes. Keep up the great work Rich! Cary SF

    1. Cary: seems Martinez has fallen out of favor for some reason. I too love her work, especially her Ghostship Fire coverage immediately after that tragedy. TV News is a crazy business.

  8. Did you hear any (broadcast) news reports on the recent passing of two former Niner announcers, Bob Fouts and Don Klein? Both gentleman were quite elderly, in their '90s, when they passed. But the only report that I heard was a very brief mention by Dennis O'Donnell, on Fouts (as Fouts worked at PIX, on multiple occasions).

    Seems that those stories should have warranted more on-air attention, given the place that those two men had in local big-time football history. And also the place that Bob's Hall of Famer son Dan, who like his dad was born in SF, had in Pro Football History. An aside: Klein called Oregon vs. Stanford, and Niner vs. Charger, games in which Dan played!

    1. Used to sit next to Bob Fouts; great man indeed and quite an elite broadcaster. I didn't mention his passing and I should have, shame on me.

      Ed Arnow was an early KPIX reporter in the era of Ben Williams --I also didn't mention his passing and should have, sorry about that.

    2. believe it nor greg papa, of all people gave a very nice recap of them on the air, forgot what day it was, but not long after he started his new gig

  9. Whatever happened to Katie Utehs on KGO7? She interviewed me for a segment last year and was super nice. Haven't seen her in a long time. And speaking of Katies, did Marzullo ever pick up somewhere?

    Scott in San Mateo

    1. Katie Marzullo quit so she could attend to her new-born child; Utehs I believe went outside the market, not 100 percent sure, Scott.

  10. How is Channel 2's 11 pm news doing ratings wise? This seems a bit silly just after the 10pm news which covers more stuff.

    1. It's relatively low-rated but KTVU gets more revenue with expanded news so that should answer your question

  11. Who is the woman filling in for Natasha in the morning this week? She giggles so much, it is awful.

    1. Mrs. B in all honesty I have not watched for weeks now because it would make me nuttier than I already am, don't waste your time with such insignificant trash.

    2. It's not Dion Lim. It's an African-American woman with short curly hair -- Dion Lim is Asian with straight, chin-length hair. I've never seen the A-A woman's name written and haven't been able to catch it when spoken.

  12. Is Larry Baer back on the job or on assignment ?

    1. He's back, but it looks like he's keeping a low profile at this point in time. It's Farhan's show now. Hopefully Larry Baer doesn't get in the way next season.

  13. Just be thankful that Harris was not at a Los Angeles Angels game. They have red caps.
