Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Ultimate Mystery at KTVU Tuesday: 3 Fox Guys From NY Walk Into Station And Talk About Something, Uh?

Image result for Men in black and white suits THREE GUYS IN BLACK SUITS; very mysterious and quick about them; walked into KTVU late this (Tuesday afternoon) who and why were they there? Who they'd work for?

Fox guys, that much I know. Corporate. NY move.

What they discussed I have no idea.


Although they were in and out about an hour and a half. I can tell you it was no PR discussion or something routine.

Trust me on that.

I'm already on it.


  1. Let's guess...could it have been about money? Likely a squeeze plan on KTVU personnel to increase corporate profit. Yeah, that's what people from NY do.

  2. Is that why Frank Somerville was MIA on on the 10 o'clock & 11 o'clock News????

  3. Hey Rich, people from Corporate (OMG NY!!) often visit their affiliates.
    I'm "Corporate" here in Santa Rosa and I visit our branches located elsewhere. It's a routine matter.

  4. I would Hope the men in black brought a memory zapper for us to forget Darya ever existed.
    But, shit..i just mentioned her, so apparently not.

  5. FBI. They're finally busted.

  6. I suspect they are planning strategies to weaken or break the unions at KTVU.

  7. Maybe they were here to talk about the Jeff Adachie coverup?
