Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Rumor Central: 'The Game' Contacted Gary Radnich In case He Wants to 'Un'-Retire

Image result for RadnichOK, SO IT'S ONLY A RUMOR BUT...

Word on street: Gary Radnich "retired" from KNBR last week --well, he sorta was forced to retire earlier than his 70th birthday, February 2, 2020 --you know the  real story, right?

So here's the deal: The Game (95.7 FM) has supposedly contacted Radnich about a gig down the road. And it would have to be way, way down the road because I'm assuming KNBR paid Raddy a hefty severance which probably carried a 6-month no-compete clause (translation: you can't work for anyone for six months) and that's assuming the rumor has some legs which given the state of the biz, nothing would surprise me anymore.

Including the specter of Radnich suddenly un-retiring so he can pay for some heavy-duty overhead, you know, the cars, the house, her (the wife) Gucci taste, etc.


  1. Hadn't listened to Radnich in years, but I decided to tune into the last segments of his farewell show. As expected, the stale act had deteriorated into a pathetic
    charade. Please Gary, spare us.

  2. Don't see it happening. 1). Raddy wouldn't come back to radio for peanuts. Unless "The Game" has moneys squirreled away for such a "celebrity ", it couldn't come up with the scratch. 2). He sounds tired. Very tired. As in time to live out his years in comfort. Wifey will get bored and want the lifestyle to continue sure. She'll either just have to go with it or move to other pastures.

  3. Hey great, now he can apply that same bitchy phrase to himself that he disses Garry St Jean with, "ahh, his wife just wants him out of the house!"

    And OF COURSE he wouldn't need the money or anything like that, no way, he's loaded!

  4. Lord Please,
    Let him stay retired.

  5. Nobody cares!!! what he does.

  6. Good riddance and go away

  7. Of course Gary has lost something off his fastball - he's 70 years old! But I would still take a diminished Gary over anyone else in the market. He just needs a Larry Krueger-type to supply the sports minutia and let Gary be Gary. I'd listen.

  8. Don't believe the "rumor".

  9. I heard it was a midnight to 3 am shift, making $15 a hour. Gary has no game and no knowlege of sports after the 21 century.

  10. You're the PD of the game. You've been at the station a few years. All you've done is take former hosts who weren't special at KNBR and moved them into your MAIN LINEUP with hosts you already had on the station. Now they're going to move Gary Radnich? Is this what passes for creativity? Coincidentally, KNBR took the game's host who had been with Papa and put him with their #1 guy Tom Tolbert.

    This has to be the least effing creative sports city in America. They wonder why no one listens to their stations?

    Cumulus cared so little for KNBR they never even moved it over to KFOG, which has no ratings and would have killed The Game with a FM signal. Cumulus only cares about selling the stations.

    Rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic with the KNBR captain a former errand boy at The Game, the former KNBR captain running KGONE, and a guy running the Game who puts on former hosts from the other station who weren't very good.


  11. Who is the obese man with sunglasses indoors ?
    Once a cool cat, always a cool cat!

  12. I thought the most interesting part of the last show was Gary addressing his missing fingers and how that shaped his personality and behavior. I thought his emotions in talking about it were real and raw. Yeah... he has been sensitive about it his entire life.

  13. he would fit pefectly in that everyone there are former/ex, (for the fried ones) knbr people.. on the other hand, don't know if "raddy" wants to talk warriors/basketball 24/7/365 since thats all they talk about there now, its pathetic..

  14. He'll only unretire, if Fitz is offered a job. That is a non negotiable point.

  15. Radnich rode that bloated middle-of-the-road shtick long, long past it's date of rancid fermentation and made a small fortune reciting the same handful of 70s sitcom style jokes ad infinitum. He seemed to express genuine contempt of sports fans. I'm glad he's gone.
