Tuesday, July 9, 2019

415 Media Exclusive: Holmes, Haener and KTVU Execs Meet Behind Closed Doors

Related imageGees, I wonder what they're talking about; maybe this? At The Firm it's always interesting but believe me, Holmes is griping, I'm sure and Julie Haener, probably just observing a little, she has a contract.

Either way, whatever transpires, you'll be the FIRST to know.

As always.


  1. Your buddy Pam Cook wasn't in this morning. Wonder if she's part of that pow-wow. Also, I hope Pam comes back tomorrow. Claudine Wong delivered the news today like she was in a hurry to go potty. Serious case of marble mouth on her today.

    1. Unfortunately Pam is just on vacation again and will be back next week. Claudine is a little under the weather right now.

    2. Claudine must be "under the weather" a lot. I've never seen anyone with such a case of monotonematic with a hint of resent like that before. Sounds like she's bored to death and wishes she were anywhere else. Puts me to sleep. Occasionally, she flips it and tries to sound interested, but it comes off phony and "put on," instead. Regardless of which she's doing at any given time, her delivery comes off as unnatural.

  2. Keep Julie get rid of Heather, cannot stand her Texas attitude in the Bay Area.

    1. Never heard a y'all escape from her lips, what exactly is a "Texas attitude"?

    2. "yep" "yup" It's inbred. Oozes out of every pore. It's an obvious "Dixie Chickness." Homey. Folksy. It's, "I rode horsies growing up."

  3. Doubtful. I've known Pam, she's not that type, not a petty backbiter like Julie and "Miss Holmes." Also, what does she have to do with evening?
