Wednesday, June 19, 2019

'Tolbert and Lund' on KNBR: Beer and Dick Jokes Pollute Afternoon Drive on 680 AM

Image result for tolbert and lund
Tom Tolbert (l) and John Lund
COMPARED to all the other carnage on KNBR  (680 AM All Sports) the "Tolbert and Lund" show (3-7PM) offers a fresh amount of sports dialogue back and forth; fairly good interview; interesting, sometimes provocative takes on the world of sports and pop culture. Nothing is perfect anymore; like all other KNBR programming, an onslaught of commercials pollute the airwaves and most certainly on Knibber.

Who'd think the commercial overload was the least problem with Tolbert and Lund. Where do we start?

Tom Tolbert is mostly above-average on air but his beer infatuation has taken over the show's sports theme. It's supposed to be a sports show but it's now turned into the beer show. Considering Tolbert's massive health scare not so long ago, the constant beer reference seem, at best, out of place. No one denies Tolbert has a fondness for pop tarts and beer; fine, human interest makes for interesting radio but this subject matter is out of hand. I'd like to hear more Tolbert talk about the Warriors; the Giants and 49ers, but constant beer talk is boring and redundant. It's a daily mash on the show and it needs to be zipped up and thrown into the trash bin.

Speaking of trash, there's disgusting and juvenile John Lund, the host and ostensible sidekick to Tolbert although if I had my wish, Tolbert would kick Lund out the door on Battery and fire his ass.

Lund is a total ZERO and adds ZERO to the show. He's better then he used to be which is sort of like saying the diarrhea has stopped but the constant trips to the bathroom continue. Lund thinks by telling dick jokes (like he constantly does) is amusing. Maybe he's auditioning for a satellite radio gig only even at that, his idea of humor belongs in the toilet.

Another Lund constant: his massively IRRITATING verbal blurts during interviews: "Such and Such is nice enough to join us." He mixes it up sometimes: "Such and Such is kind enough to join us." Lund says this about 57 times every interview and I always SCREAM OUT: hey, schmuck, of course! they're kind enough to join you because half the time, putz, they're plugging something! Maybe there's a small toilet stuck in Lund's brain which might indicate why he's so immersed on saying 157 thousand times, that so and so is kind enough to join them. How lame, how absurd, how sophomoric, what a complete doofus.

Being that the KNBR crumbs cannot broadcast their programs without noise and sound effects, more NOISE has invaded the afternoon drive show. It would require the knuckleheads to actually be creative and thought-provoking to conduct an interesting show devoid of the usual sound barfs but that would be asking for the impossible-- for a KNBR show without NOISE is like a Donald Trump rally without MAGA hats.


  1. Lund comes across like someone in high school trying to fit in with the cool kids. He never adds or furthers the discussion, he just sort of flits around the edges of whatever Tom is talking about, fake giggling and agreeing with whatever he says. "Incredible" and "Outstanding" are among his favorite comebacks to even Tom's most boring beer stories. At the KNBR family dinner, I always picture Lund sitting with Paulie and Rod at the little kid's table.

  2. The sad thing is Tolbert knows better. When he's focused he's probably the best host KNBR has. Knowledgeable, and talks actual sports (even hockey--Drew Remenda is a regular guest). I think Lund brings him down.

  3. I stopped listening to Tolbert a long time ago, he knows sports but all of the other immature stuff is unlistenable and he can't ask a question under 5 mins. Not that Bruce is better but I find him more interesting.. Lund is just average guy off the streets that talks sports. He adds nothing.

  4. their interviews go on too long and they always seem to ask several stupid questions at some point that ruin the interview to begin with..the only good ones were when tom has one of his former teammates on, then there are some good stories..

  5. Ask Tolbert to tell about the time he claimed, declared almost promised he could hit one out of the park at what was the new AT&T park when the Giants opened it. He flopped! Miserably. Didn't even hit the warning track. His ego took a hit and he embarrassed himself in a grand way.

    The only thing that is bigger than Tolbert's ego is his mouth. And nothing intelligent comes out of his mouth.

    1. 8:56 if that's your best example of Tolbert having a huge ego you're not proving much of a point. How many years ago was that? He's constantly downplaying his own career and abilities, and sounds about as far from an egomaniac as you can get.

  6. I agree about the craft beer interviews. But then the question is.....are these people like the sports betting companies that pay to come on. Or is it just free advertising...or almost free should a few cases find its way to the trunk of a car.
    Maybe I am in the minority, but do sports fans turn off sports radio if there isnt enough references to drinking alcohol, dildos, or sexual anal discussion?

    And now if people love tolbert...they get less of him with 3 man show. If tolbert is said to be a big part of KNBR, why saddle him with 2 people now and water him down.
    but at least now, all the times he shows up late for work now he has 2 people to cover for him

  7. I agree with neal....tolberts interview style is to talk to an expert in the field that knows more than him....and ask a question with numerous multiple choice given, almost leading the guest to use one of his answers to be polite. How about if the audience can hear an answer in the own words of the guest off the top of his/her head.
