Saturday, June 8, 2019

Mindi Bach's Un-Forced Error on Warriors' KGO-TV Post-Game; Culross Brutal on KCBS; Tim Roye and Jim Barnett Masterful Radio Art; Yeah, It's Gonna Be Hot; KNBR Runs 7 Straight PSAs on Boring Mark Willard Show; Saturday Run-Down

Image result for Media Gulch SFPAINFUL: Watching KGO's  Mindi Bach post-game interview Warriors' coach, Steve Kerr after Friday night's loss to Toronto in the NBA Finals; Bach asks the dumbest questions and Kerr looked at her with pity. I don't know what was worse: the Dubs' loss or Kerr having to endure the ridiculous and banal Bach who is headed to a new PR gig at Oracle. Hurry up, Mindi, hurry! Please.

*Magic: Pairing Tim Roye and Jim Barnett on the Warriors' Radio broadcasts during these finals. Barnett is better on radio than he is on TV (no knock) and Roye has become a 21st Century Bill King. His PBP descriptions are priceless and beautiful to hear. The attention to detail is damn awesome. Roye and Barnett have developed a terrific chemistry on air and better yet, rip into the home team when it's necessary. That's pretty rare these days.

Image result for Tim Roye Jim Barnett
Jim Barnett (l) and Tim Roye
*Melissa Culross on KCBS this morning: what a disaster! Between once again, fumbling her lines and asking stupid questions in an on-phone interview, Culross seems to think she's a moderator on Face the Nation. Her attempt to broadcast as if she's Margaret Brennan is a good laugh. When she's out in the field reporting, her breathless "Melissa Culross _(dead air) KCBS" is worthy of lots of cackles.

*164,000 times I must have heard it's gonna be a "hot weekend", yeah, I get it! Enough already. haven't we had a few heat waves in June? I cannot fully grasp and fully gather how much time is WASTED on TV and radio here over the most arcane weather conditions. Yes, fire danger is real and scary. But we've had a few of those lately too. It's OK and quite expected to broadcast "red flag" conditions but when it's done ad nauseum listeners yawn and it's all met with a grain of salt.  That should not be the case.

Image result for melissa culross kcbs
Jon Bristow (l) and Melissa Culross
*Is the real reason the wretched "Ronn Owens Report" on KGO's air is so Ronnnnnnnnnnnnnn can take a freebie cruise to the Caribbean?

*"Hi, I'm Mark Thompson, live and local, KGO, broadcasting from beautiful downtown Culver City, CA!"

*Ask KGO's fill-in host, Angie Coiro what she thinks of KQED's Michael Krasny.

*How bad off is KNBR? During last night's Post-Game Show with annoying host, Mark Willard, the all-sports AM outlet ran, get this, seven straight PSA ads, 7! Not a one local ad, not a one! So KNBR is running non-money-making PSA's on what used to be prime Giants' air time. Which might explain why Willard's debut here has been such a bust and how hard the Giants' have fallen on KNBR.

*The human casket on radio: Duane Kuiper.

*Mark Ibanez and Heather Holmes experimenting? Say it ain't so.


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  1. Melissa Culross....truly a face for radio.

    1. One of largest foreheads in broadcasting!!!

    2. LOL, 11:36! The job stress shows.

  2. Yes, Angie Coiro and Christine Craft are fine.

    But PLEASE get rid of the screechy Pat Thurston. She sounds like a child. Just awful.

  3. The worst: KRON 4's post game coverage. Dan Thorn with a live report outside of Oracle and Raptors fans flipping off the camera and getting in his face. OF course, he was all by himself, and had no cameraman to avoid this debacle. Amazing how KRON can't even sent a two person crew to an NBA Finals game!

  4. Got RL's point about Coiro v Krasny. Saw Coiro's Wiki page - spent the 1990s at KQED Radio...filling in for Krasny. Departure was ugly. Hence RL's post is self-explanatory.

  5. The spot for the Ronnn cruise is the most vomit-inducing thing I've heard on the radio in a while. Really Ronnn? People are constantly approaching you to state their disbelief that the cruise is only $$$ ?!? I think the actual number of people who have done that is more like zero. You can see the smarmy self-satisfied grin through the radio.

    If I'd booked a cruise and found out it was the same boat as the Ronnn thing I'd demand a refund. I can't imagine being trapped at sea for weeks with that clown...horrific.

  6. If Melissa had red hair she's be Carrot Top....

  7. It's Sunday evening and I'm watching KPIX5, I swear if Brian Hackney says it's gonna be hot on Monday again I'm going to throw the tv in the bathtub. No kidding Brian! It's June in the Bay Area, get over yourself.

    1. You must be new to the bay area. or at least San Francisco. The summer months are typically cool and deliciously foggy in the least in the pre-climate shift history.
