Friday, June 28, 2019

415 Media Exclusive: Veteran News Anchor Bristow OUT at KCBS; Power Struggle with ND Seelig; Taylor Hiring Key To Move

Image result for Jon Bristow KCBS
Jon Bristow

Jon Bristow, who began to implement his presence at KCBS is OUT of a job tonight (Friday)

My sources at the 740 AM all-news radio outlet tell me earlier Friday, ND, Jennifer Seelig informed staff Bristow "is no longer employed at 'KCBS."

Bristow, I'm told, may have been ticked over the recently-hired news veteran, Jim Taylor, who's been doing lengthy fill-in across all time slots and appears headed for a full-time gig, possibly the recently-vacated 7-11 PM evening slot available now. Taylor has been broadcasting in that time period while Bristow apparently stewed.

Bristow is a Bay Area veteran who spent nearly 30 years at once-rival KGO. He joined KCBS in 2017 and was thought to be an emerging anchor but Taylor's hiring changed all that and now Bristow is gone from Battery Street.


  1. KCBS management is filled with ass clowns. I wasn't a huge fan of Bristow but he should still be working there.

  2. I remember when Bristow covered the Bernie Ward child pornography trial, and how Bernie and his wife Colleen scowled at Bristow. Now, they can play Donkey Kong together.

    1. Dear Darrin, here's a clue. Jon Bristow reported on that situation, not on television, but on the radio. You could not have seen Bernie or his wife "scowling" on the radio. check it out.

    2. My apologies. I might have seen the news story on tv and seen Bernie scowl at Bristow then.

    3. > I might have seen the news story on tv
      > and seen Bernie scowl at Bristow then.

      That's a better save than Megan Rapinoe against the French.

  3. Rich, what do you think about the sale of WABC-AM 77 in New York for $12 million to a local supermarket magnate? The cloud company says they'll use the money to pay down their debt. Makes me think that KGO/KSFO are for sale if anybody wants them. And if WABC sold for $12 million, the KGO/KSFO combo is worth maybe $3 million? What do you think?

  4. Wow, Bristow didn't last long at KCBS. Maybe he will go back to KGO???

  5. From the moment he came to KCBS, it seemed Bristow was on a power grab. Yes he worked at KGO, but its like stay in your lane Mister.

    1. so, it's "like" you know, "like"??? Seriously, you think that people in broadcasting aren't allowed to be hard-working , excellent at what they do, and ambitious? As for the person suggesting that Jon "didn't stay long" at KCBS??? I listened to him for years on KGO and for years at KCBS. KGO doesn't have a news operation, hadn't you noticed?

  6. Whoa....kind of a shocker - always liked Bristol from his KGO days, and on weekend mornings at KCBS....he did a lot of fill-in also. Wonder where he'll end up....

  7. Seelig's despised by pretty much everyone there. If she were a man she'd be a bully but she's a woman so she's just large and in charge.

  8. Maybe Bristow can find a gig at a local, off the beaten path, radio station. Like KKIQ in Livermore.

    1. Don't know how the personality-friendly folks at KKIQ's Pleasanton building west of Stoneridge Mall would handle such a big ego. The question is whether it is still worth a chance for both Bristow and the Tri-Valley's only radio station.

  9. I am surprised Jon Bristow didn't consult Ronn Owens on some salary tips.
    Weren't these two fellas friends ?
    After all, Ronn Owens was very skilled at renewing his salary with Mickey Luckoff for many years.
    Mr Luckoff was known to be tough negotiator.

  10. Things could get very interesting in the halls of KCBS.
    Personally, I always thought Jon Bristow was better at reading the news than Susan Leigh Taylor.
    Bristow would have made for a solid pairing with Stan Bunger.

  11. Radnich, Fitz and Bristow. Everything comes in threes!!!!

  12. I loved Jon's wonderful sense of humor. I enjoyed him when he was with KGO, and then KCBS. KCBS is just not the same without him.
