Saturday, July 15, 2017

J.T. The Brick Ends Run at 95.7 'The Game'; Anyone Care?

Image result for jt the brick 95.7 DOES anyone care that JT the Brick is no longer at 95.7 FM 'The Game' (All-Sports)

From The Brick:

"It's a 10-Noon show--life goes on; ratings were good."

Translation: No one was listening. But then again, no one listens to this FM Sports albatross.

Call it a holding serve on both sides.


  1. I'm sorry, I was busy taking a dump on the bathroom floor at Arby's in Rohnert Park, what did you say?

    1. Sad to report the Arby's in Newark is now closed

    2. 6:51 PM Have you tried Cal Eats down the street? Good fish tacos, but I digress. I never cared much for J.T. The Brick. Seemed too national, not local enough. I just want an alternative to KNBR.

    3. My wife and I went there (Arby's in Newark) a few weeks ago and saw that they're closed. Totally bummed. None in the eastbay now. The one in San Leandro near Harry's Hof Brau closed a few years; one in the Great Mall in Milpitas closed maybe 5 years ago and there used to be one inside Southland Mall (Hayward) about 20 years ago. The bay area has 2 left up north (Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park) and 3 left in the San Jose area. I've been a huge fan since the 70's.

    4. Arby's in South San Francisco closed up, too

    5. Based on these reported closures, it sounds like Arby's is taking a dump.

    6. There is an Arby's in Pleasanton.

    7. Hard to replace the roast beef sandwich with melted cheddar cheese. Add to that the curly fries and chocolate shake. But, last time I was at the Arby's in Newark, the ceiling was leaking behind the counter--weird.

    8. Actually, the Arby's in Pleasanton closed abruptly about two weeks ago. It's supposed to be a Starbucks in early 2018.

  2. where is kawakami going,he no longer going to be at merc.

    1. Big loss to Merc subscribers. Tim K is very insightful about behind-the-scenes things like who was responsible for the 49er leaks, who stopped the Klay for Kevin Love trade.

    2. Timmy K put up some decent Warriors articles and few good NFL articles, but his baseball and hockey articles were laughable. Timmy would also take the Bayless approach and just throw shit at the wall and take credit for whatever stuck. The fact that Timmy will block anyone on Twitter that disagrees with him speaks volumes. Then again, Rich does the same thing.

    3. To the post at 3:39pm
      I am not aware that Kawakami was leaving.
      I did hear that Mark Purdy was retiring.
      Are the stories are crossed?

  3. I will miss him

  4. Who the fuck cares about this guy? Why do they call him "The Brick"? Does it have to do with his bathroom manners? The only reason why he has any traction is because of his relationship with the Raiders. Otherwise, he's just another talking head who thinks he knows it all. If you need a gimmick, you ain't worth a shit.

    1. I guess bashing the Oakland fan base and being a shill for Mr hair cut Davis was not the formula for high ratings.

    2. Larry Krueger is another one. Remember when he was so humble back when Gary rescued him off the scrap heap? The last year or two he's been an arrogant jackass who is wrong more often than he's right. Also, they never pass anti-Larry messages through on the KNBR text line during the show, they only pass through shots at Gary. Interesting.

  5. Maybe Knbr can dump Lund and get the Brick. The Game can take Lund back. Please.

  6. He couldn't pry his lips from Davis's ass, thus making the execution of his broadcasting duties difficult. Hopefully Bruce and Urban will be shown the door as well.

  7. fewer fans care about the last couple of seasons of the Oakland Traitors here. Traitor Nation goodby!

    1. Beautiful. That's it. You might as well put Dodger talk on KNBR.
      18 comments here? is 18 more time then I listened to the Brick.

    2. It was either listen to "The Brick" or keep refreshing Radnich's twitter page to see if he posted anything new yet. I think we all know which Stan chose...

  8. I could never figure what he used to scream at callers before cutting them off...'TAAAAAUUUMMM'? Whatever.

  9. I've said it before, Rick Tittle's syndicated show on Sports ByLine USA is already on 10-Noon, Already covers A's and Raiders and Warriors (all, on 95.7), and is a funny show. But that would be too easy for for the numbskulls who'd rather put on amateurs (guru & zachariah), a no talent rube (Michael Urban), and a human chalkboard (Towney). And don't even get me started on Mr. Personality: Matt Steinmetz!

    1. Rick Tittle comes across like an East Bay nerd.

  10. Guy living in Las Vegas talking over the Oakland airwaves about the local team that will move to Las Vegas, and who also happens to be employed by that team, was never going to last very long once the Raiders decided to get out of town.

  11. Was there even a book to judge him on?

    He's tolerable when paired with Thom Looney on FSR. Looney calls him on his nonsense.

    1. I hate FSR. I hate Ben Maller. I hate Arnie Spanier. I turn to ESPN on 1050AM.

  12. All points above well's a personal preference thing for the most part. It should be pointed out that this guy (JT) does segments for the purpose of elevating the level of respect for our military men and women. Also does soft promo stuff for up and coming bands. Coaches little league team. Gives back in his community. We can't all be connoisseurs.

  13. Sorry to see JT the Brick leave but I do think this was a move from switching from Fox Sports to Radio to CBS sports radio by upper management once the merger is finalized...just a hunch!

    1. I can't stand Fox Sports Radio. Their broadcast personalities have an anti-Warriors bias and are arrogant idiots. Good riddance if they leave the airwaves.

    2. Totally agree. FSN should stand for fasle stupid numbskulls

  14. also most likely 95.7 the Game will change frequencies to like let say 105.3 or 106.9 cause of the merger and those are strong signals too...

  15. Bay Area sports talk...worst in the USA. "Hey...let's get 2 guys, a wacky news person and producer, yuck it up with usually non-sports related subjects and then proceed to talk all over each other"...Yeah...formula for success!

  16. Thats a total opposite while I was listening to CBS and also some of NBC Sports radio...they were both pro Warrior talk!

  17. Talk over each other? Sounds like Ernie and Bert from 6-10am. Yea yea yea dude.

    1. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Anyone who doesn't like the game is old or a knbr apologist. You can talk all the shit you want but they do a very diligent job covering the teams that they pair with and the other teams too. KNBR s pathetic I'll never forget how they were putting Warriors playoffs games on am 1050 So that the Giants can play regular season games on KNBR 680. Bunch of San Francisco Giants Ball Lickers

  18. Why did I get censored for responding to some a-hole talking about people from the East Bay?

  19. Wow, that ended quickly. I'm shocked JT The Brick left 95.7 now, especially with football season starting back up pretty soon. I guess since he still did the national show and lives in Vegas, maybe he's more dedicated towards that and it made it an easier decision for him to leave 95.7.

    It will be interesting to see who they replace JT The Brick with. It would be nice if they gave Guru that timeslot, since he's been filling in the past couple of weeks on other shows. He's proven that he could host a show full-time. Even though I'm not as big on Zakariah, maybe have him and Guru or maybe even Guru and Michael Urban host the 10-Noon timeslot.

    Maybe they could bring back Haberman and Middlekauf, but they I heard them fill in for Gary and Larry on 680 a couple of weeks ago, so I'm not totally sure if they have a contract with KNBR now.

    But wow, JT The Brick gone from 95.7.

    1. ZAK was let go by 95.7 The Game.

    2. Oh wow, I didn't know Zakariah was let go by 95.7. Not that I'm doubting you or anything but I didn't see anything regarding this on his Facebook or Twitter page. I'm sure someone might mention/address it, maybe even Guru or Townsend (the two guys he hosted shows with most of the time) at some point.

      If this is true, that probably explains why Guru has been on with other co-hosts recently; Mychael Urban most notably, and Bonta Hill on Greg Papa's show filling in for Greg Papa. On a side note, I think Guru and Bonta Hill are a good pairing. Maybe put them on in the 10-Noon timeslot, even though Bonta has a good gig being Greg Papa's co-host right now. I'm sure he might not want to leave that at this point. The guy (Bonta Hill) has really moved up in his career the past year; he went from being on with Marty Lurie on weekends during Giants season on KNBR, to now co-hosting with Greg Papa on 95.7. Marty Lurie is great and being on with him during baseball season I'm sure is a big deal, but having the opportunity to host a weekday show with Greg Papa has got to be an even bigger deal.

      Back to Zakariah, he has good sports passion, but the guy a lot of time said stuff that made him look dumb, and in a way, made him look like an embarrassment to Cal alums. No offense to him, but it's still hard to fathom that he graduated from Cal. LOL.

      I wonder if this was part of the reason why Zakariah was let go. He was good, but at times you can tell that he was still raw doing sports talk radio. Guru, even though he's also still new to sports talk radio, seems more polished than Zakariah. Plus, Guru blends in better with different co-hosts; the past few weeks he's been either filling in on the morning show, hosting a show with Mychael Urban, or hosting Greg Papa's show with Bonta Hill, filling in for Greg Papa. Zakariah only really meshed well with Guru and Townsend, even though sometimes Zakariah and Townsend together were really bad. It almost sounded like amateur hour radio at times. Not sure if Townsend really respected Zakariah all that much, even though you have to wonder if that was a schtick. LOL.

      It's also kind of hard to believe that Zakariah was let go because he in a sense called the Marshawn Lynch to the Raiders move some time ago. He didn't really call it, but him and Guru a year or two ago would sometimes bring up the Raiders bringing in Marshawn Lynch. It seemed far fetched at the time, but now that Marshawn Lynch is actually going to play for the Raiders, you can't help but think about Zakariah originally bringing up this idea on 95.7's airwaves. I have to admit, I give him credit for that, even though I'm sure the Raiders didn't consult Zakariah regarding that decision. LOL.

      We'll see what happens to Zakariah from here. Would be interesting if KNBR decided to pick him up, and maybe get him more seasoning on 1050 or something. Watch, he probably be back on 95.7 a year or two from now. LOL. It seems like hosts who have left there in the past have come back. Dibley and Mychael Urban were let go, now they are both back with the station.

    3. Why the hell is lo Neil still on the air he is a blow hard idiot making up words

  20. To answer a few questions I saw posted above-TK is probably headed to The Athletic with Marcus Thompson and Stewart Mandel among others according to Awful Announcing. That makes sense wouldn't be surprised to see a few more big names head that way. Between Fox Sports and SI layoffs there's big names to be had.

    As someone else mentioned I wonder if long term Jim Rome is headed to that slot since Entercom was sold to CBS Sports parent. Would make sense.

    1. Good grief! Marcus Thompson is also leaving the Merc? Meanwhile, my subscription price keeps going up . . .

  21. Gymboree's are closing a multitude of stores as well,huge loss there. As far as "the game" ....a great place if you like basketball talk 22 hours a day,I dont!! I'd rather hear about arbys.

  22. What is this "Local Bay Area Sports Talk" people are speaking of on this thread?
    I apologize for not being familiar with this...because I tend to listen to my iTunes music collection and/or Satellite radio--or when I want sports, ESPN/CBS/Fox Sports radio.

    1. And yet you still felt compelled to chime in ... thanks for sharing!
