Saturday, April 15, 2017

I Need Your Help; Just a Thousand of You --Saturday 415 Media Pledge Break

Image result for Writing a check for $25 Over *50,000 of you click this page every week; most of you unique visitors come here and spend, on average, over two minutes and then some.

415 Media has become your go-to destination for reading about Bay Area TV/Radio --prepared, written, produced and distributed by Yours Truly.

415 Media is growing leaps and bounds --we get hundreds of new readers every day--but we are severely lacking in funds that will enable us (me) to carry on and to continue to put out new and fresh content every day of the week. Why? Because as many of you that come her and look forward to reading about the inside and exclusive dope I mostly give you, I can't survive on merely your kind words of "thanks."

415 Media survives on PAID subscriptions and donations --we have a modest source of advertising money from Google but that's not nearly enough.

If just a tiny fraction of you, my readers--say, a thousand of you, made a $25 donation --that would easily get us through at least the year and allow me the resources; the ability; the peace of mind to work even harder in bringing you all the great content and work you look forward to each and ever day.

One thousand. Think about it. That's fairly easy. Because I know that even at $25 --some of you are having tough times to make ends meet. I understand. That's why 415 Media will never go the way of a pay wall, --415 Media will always be free but I do rely on donations and subscriptions to pay my bills and breathe a little.

PLEASE: to keep 415 Media sustainable; to maintain this site's independence and free of outside interfering and for me to be able to churn out 24/7 content you get NO WHERE else, I ask that you make a DONATION and/or subscription today.

To DONATE: Simply click on the Pay Pal icon on the right side of the blog and make your contribution now. All donations and subscriptions are completely CONFIDENTIAL and you don't have to have a Pay Pal account to DONATE.

I will personally call you and e-mail you to thank you for your contribution.

*Google AdSense financials

Thanks to all of you current 415 Media Subscribers.

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