Monday, March 7, 2011

NBC Bay Area's identity problem; San Jose or SF?; Sinkovitz fallout; Monday pulse

As is sifts through yet another big name leaving its plush studios in the Southbay, NBC Bay Area has an identity issue.

Is it a San Jose station or a Bay Area outlet in the SF market that happens to be headquartered in Silicon Valley? Seems NBC-BA wants it both ways and clearly, that strategy hasn't worked with viewers.

KNTV's ratings in the recent February 11 PM news Arbitron's were meager; they were fourth barely above flailing KRON and the CW Network, (KTVU's vaunted "10 o'clock News" was #1.)

Clearly, a glance at NBC-BA's news programs reveal a decidedly San Jose-oriented broadcast. But as one prominent Bay Area media observer put it, "I live in SF, work in SF and want to know what's going on here and in the region--I could care less about San Jose."

And that's just the problem. San Jose is the most populated city in the Bay Area, with over a million people, but mostly everyone will tell you that San Francisco, like it or not, is both the media and cultural center. While San Jose is a bustling city that continues to grow daily, its still considered the second fiddle by most people here and outside the Bay Area.

Whatever the case, NBC-BA has to figure out a new plan that will translate to more viewers for its news shows. The decision to phase out Tom Sinkovitz as its chief anchor with up and comer, Raj Mathai is a calculated move.

Personally, I don't like the decision.

Granted, Sinkovitz' high-profile, (and considerable salary,) didn't amount to the kind of numbers NBC-BA upper brass were counting on, but the move to go all out with Mathai, (a former sports anchor) is a risky maneuver.

Mathai is a dedicated trooper and works hard. He gets a bum rap because of his boyish looks and perceived arrogance, but in time, I think Mathai will develop into a solid anchor. I like his work and news prep. It's not Mathai's fault that he looks like a GQ model.

That's the least of NBC-BA problems right now. As a news veteran in town told me, "They just haven't figured out a successful formula to attract North Bay viewers. They can't be all-in-one. They have to figure out what they wanna be and right now, that's not working."

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  1. You are right. San Jose has so much potential but it still plays second fiddle to San Francisco. When you posted the ratings the other day, Rich, I was surprised how far back KNTV was and I thought "Some heads might role with those numbers". I guess it already has with Lisa Kim going and now Tom Sinkovitz.

    I don't mind Raj Mathai either. He's a likable enough guy and gets a bum rap. I like like Tom too and I'll be sorry to see him go. I do hope they manage to hold onto Jessica Aguirre and do something to get their ratings going.

    Good solid news writing with this one, Rich, without trashing someone or picking on the usual suspects. I'd like to see more of this, combining the behind the scene news, some insight, without the ax-grinding, etc. More of this style will give you more professionalism of a journalist. I like. More please!! :)

  2. San Jose isnt second to San Francisco-it's fourth behind SF,Oakland,and Berkeley in bay area gravitas. San Jose is just ahead of Fremont-or even Hayward in the eastbay alone. When you think of San Jose you dont find the great intellectuals and artists,musicians you have in SF ,Berkeley or Oakland. What you have are computer people in San Jose. Nerds and corporate stooges. That type who make nice quiet neighbors to your mini mansion you bought with Google money. But,it does have nicest summer weather. Give them that.

  3. Rich, Bingo!! You nailed it! Your simply the truth..


  4. I know I'm probably beating a dead horse but what happened to the deal to combine operations of KRON with KNTV. If NBC Bay Area were able to do a SF based newscast on KRON wouldn't that help their total reach? I also can't understand why NBC doesn't purchase KRON now that it is available at Filene's Basement prices.

  5. I think you hit the nail on the head. I live in San Francisco. When I tell people that I used to work in television here; they ask where, which station? KNTV, I say. Which station is that again? It's the NBC affiliate, I say. You mean channel 4, right? No, KNTV, it's actually cable channel 703. Is that in San Jose? Yes, the studios are in San Jose, but they cover the entire Bay Area.

    The general viewing public, and by this I mean those that I interact with on a daily basis (middle-upper income professionals in SF, the peninsula, and Marin primarily) remember names, faces, and channel numbers, and that's about it. Sure, we news veterans go on and on and on about branding, and coverage, and writing, but I think because local news coverage is so generic and unimaginative anymore, the TV news business is now one of names and faces and channels. Maybe it was always that way...

    Time and again, I find that even though they don't know that KNTV is the NBC affiliate or that the station covers the entire Bay Area, they do know Raj Mathia. They do know Scott Budman. They do know Jessica. And they do know the blond who does morning weather, even if they don't know her name.

    The challenge for KNTV is to build and maintain a stable of memorable names and faces that connect with viewers, regardless of where they live. That takes good talent judgment and an adequate budget. I have no idea if KNTV has either.

  6. NBC4 Bay Area sounds so much better. I think someday it will happen but that day is unknown. Let us see the logistics...NBC Universal sold off the LA station that it had to comply with the Comcast deal now the only thing they would need to do is spin off KSTS. KNTV becomes Telemundo 11 and we are all happy...end of story

  7. Back asswards! Whatever KNTV is trying to do, it ain't working. Trying to lure more Northbay viewers? They already have multiple choices for the San Francisco centric coverage they prefer. San Jose has little gravitas, but Silicon Valley does. Go with your strength. They are there, the other guy aren't. Dumping Sinkovitz a good idea, should get rid of fat lips Jessica too, they are SF people. Get someone who really understands tech, report on the South Bay and be proud of it. At least there would be a chance of success.

  8. I agree with the first comment (9:58 am)..solid info and opinion without the nasty, jealous, familiar comments thrown in.... not that I don't enjoy a little gossip and angst every once in awhile, but this kind of reporting should be your bread and butter - nice job!

  9. I'll add my voice to the chorus saying nice work, good tone, solid insight here! The channel does seem stuck in some ways, but should probably go with the San Jose uber alles tact, as in a competitive market, focus and differentiation are two of the three most important rules...

    ...and btw, for the prominent BA media observer, it's "couldN'T care less."

  10. Rich, its time for NBC to finally step up the the plate. They need to educate the reporters on where Concord is not its not Clayton! NBC needs to fight for KRON and make it a prime NBC O and O for the North and east bay, KNTV becomes a secondary affiliate and sell KSTS the Telemundo station. NBC has been blowing the purchase of KRON ever since it came on the air. They might end up losing it again if Fox steps up and decides to make a bid for KRON. Sinkovitz is a solid anchor and reporter, he will be fine.

  11. I am now out of the biz and no longer live in the Bay Area.

    Years ago, I worked at KNTV when it was known as "News-11". THAT was such a snappy sig-out/tag line. Everywhere we went, people knew alla bout "News 11."

    Then, some idiot consultants decided to call us "The San Jose News Channel" and gave us these ridiculously-huge triangular-shaped mic flags. Despite the stupidity of THAT move, we STILL had a pretty strong San Jose/Silicon Valley/South Bay presences and reputation.

    I actually enjoyed this reputation. We stuck to Santa Clara County, up thru the mid-peninsula, Fremont...and down to Santa Cruz, Morgan Hill, and Gilroy. Combined, these areas have a sizeable audience. We OWNED SJ and the South Bay...and didn't care about "Frisco" (I HATE calling it "the city").

    In this day and age of multiple cable/satellite channels, DVR's and fractured viewers, I think it would behoove KNTV to return to its original focus.

  12. Good Comments by all, now I will add my 2 cents...

    Raj Mathai should lose the Hair Gel, then he might come across as Humble, and Sincere.

    @ 3:19...Your are spot on, News 11 was a much more effective news outlet when they owned, what they were...A South Bay News Station. But you're wrong in one ain't "Frisco," its San Francisco. :)

    Santa Clara County, as one commentor said, has wonderful weather, and for my money lifestyle too. I know, I grew up there, although I am a SF Native. From what I gather, a few years back SC County out grew SF County by 100,000 people, and someone decided that the South Bay Should Be the Top Dog in the Bay Area...Hence you get a Major News Outlet anchored there, then you get the dumb ass Yorks wanting to move the 49ers there, and last, but not least you get Lou Wolfe wanting to move the Oakland A's to the South Bay.

    But the City San Jose is very much a Suburb of San Francisco, that has a bunch of other little towns in it that makes it the larger SC County, and that will never change. Just because your County has a larger population than, SF County, Alameda County, And Contra Costa County does NOT mean you are the TOP DOG in the Region, plain & simple.

    And the Yorks, and Lew Wolfe should take heed to want has happened to NBC Bay Area News Outlet, because that will be their destinies too, if they Move their Sports Franchises to the South Bay...They will lose the City they play for Identifaction. A true example of this is the SJ Sharks, NO ONE acknowledges that Sports Franchise in SF, or Oaktown...

    I like the South Bay, but I am sorry, it is still ID'ed as just a Sleepy Suburb of SF, and Oakland/Alameda. And when individuals move Major Local Entities there...they will die.

  13. I went to college in San Jose. Someone referred to "the San Jose suburbs."

    I remember laughing and thinking "San Jose IS a suburb." And that was a few years ago...

  14. Major entities...die in SJ? Really??? If San Francisco was such a hotbed of majorness, then why did Bank of Ameirca leave (for frikkin' CHARLOTTE, no less?) Why hasn't Apple, HP, Intel, and the current king of majajorness Google move to "Frisco?"

    SF is only TOp Dog in the narrow minds of those childless, family-unfriendly hipsters who live there.

    San Jose has the demographic that major advertisers crave, anyways: Famililes, teens, active-oriented...and did I mention families?

    KNTV should focus on its own backyard and play to this desirable demographic..and forget about that black-wearing hip population--which doesn't really watch TV news, anyways. "Frisco-ites" are too busy going to poetry readings, taking part in protests, and cruising around the bars and clubs...looking at other lonely, single people who also don't want kids and also don't watch TV.

  15. San Francisco has long captured the world market in smugness while enlarging its army of slackers and layabouts. No amount of condecention will mask this once great city from what it has become--a slice of beauty surrounded by third world infrastructure and governed by malcontents.

  16. Raj Mathai is a total babe.

  17. Not a bad write up, but you're missing the boat.

    The Bay Area TV market has proven it doesn't matter if you're based in SF, SJ or Oak. Just follow the network ratings. KNTV was #1 at 11pm as recently as 2009. In fact, since becoming the NBC affiliate in 2002, KNTV has been #1 at 11pm for much of that time.
    In comparison, KPIX was in #3 in 2009. In the last 18 months, NBC network programming has plunged even further -- while CBS has continued to rise.
    Unlike many major markets, the Bay Area shows ZERO loyalty to local stations (except at 10pm).
    Follow the network lead-in and you'll find your ratings leader.

  18. @ 3/8/11 7:25am & 8:22am....

    Geez, Your Jealousy is showing.

  19. Appologies if this has been covered already, I scrolled back through blog posts and could not find anything. I was wondering as to the purpose of the "Today in the East Bay" branding for the early AM news. Sure it's only 4:30a to 5a but is it a population thing, a Nelisen thing where those homes are monitored, or simply that East Bay residents get up earlier to commute. It confuses things more when like you stated they are trying to be a San Francisco station with a San Jose lean, who alienates thier early am news viewers to exclusivley cater to the East Bay. If you are in San Francisco or San Jose you do not relate with watching "Today in the East Bay"

  20. Move back to being San Jose's News Channel! Less competition. It would then be KNTV vs. KSBW instead of KNTV vs. every other frickin' SF station.

    Honestly, if everyone is generalizing (i.e. stations trying to be the Bay Area's news leader, etc etc), why not specialize again? 1m+ viewers in SJ is nothing to sneeze at. It's a solidly medium-market audience size.

    Oh, and bring back the catchy "Do You Know The Way to San Jose?" jingle, please!

  21. Raj is an amateur. He was in over his head in sports, and is lost in the anchor seat.

    His tsunami reporting............
