Friday, November 29, 2019

Secret Deal: Radnich Feted With VIP Meal at Alioto's on Wharf with KGO 'High-Level' Suit; 415 Media Is There For You

Image result for Alioto's SF Fisherman's wharf


A high-level suit at ABC7 (KGO-TV) called Radnich at his West Portal/SF home--Radnich was feted to a quiet late/afternoon/evening meal at his favorite place (he takes the family there lots of times) at Alioto's in Fisherman's Wharf.

Over a few diet cokes (Raddy doesn't drink) they discuss "quite a lot." Just routine business but then, "a lot more on the table." And no, not crab Louie recipes.

Radnich was alone and not with his wife who was early Christmas shopping at Macy's in Union Square. This is the holiday season you know.

Anyway, I will report more when I know more. There's a lot of legs here--literally and figuratively...

Image result for Gary Radnich
Radnich and wife, Alicia 


  1. I loved Gary in his prime. But man, he's been mailing it in forever now. I would not invest my future and future ratings on this guy. Good luck Gary. Enjoy retirement. It's great.

  2. I'm looking forward to Darrin's report on what Gary did to the toilets at Alioto's. After a VIP meal, this could be big.

  3. Over a few diet cokes (Raddy doesn't drink)

    I call bullshit on that. I have seen him drunk many times. Recently.

    1. Yeah, I found that a stretch too. He sure looks the part oftentimes...puffy faced and sweaty. Maybe he recently swore it off but during his TV days he sometimes looked like he'd just stepped off a barstool...or fell off.

  4. > (Raddy doesn't drink)

    Well, there goes my theory why he was always red and puffy-faced when he came on to do KRON's sports at night.

  5. I have never been a big sports fan but I love Gary. He knows his stuff but doesn't take himself or sports too seriously. I would love to see him at KGO. I might not change the channel when sports comes on. Let's face it, if I want to know a score,I'll ask my phone. Gary gives the viewers something they can't get on their phone.

  6. Oh puke. Seriously? KGO has credible personable people (well, except for that Aloha Means Goodbye Guy). No one in the market delivers news as well as Dan Ashley. But now KGO is thinking about Fatnich? Why? He should go sell cars. Right up his alley.
