Monday, October 1, 2018

415 Media Flash: Jennings to Retire at KGO-TV; KPIX Still Mired in Mediocrity; Monday Open


Word from a 900 FRONT source: veteran KGO-TV anchor/reporter, Cheryl Jennings is retiring after multiple decades at the ABC station. My question: does anyone care?

No doubt Jennings built a solid career at Channel 7 and had some distinguished times on the local TV News scene but there were issues too.

She was always smiling and seemed to be quite happy and positive. I learned she also had a chip on her shoulder and could be mean to some underlings off the air. She supposedly had quite a temper too and could be difficult to work for and with; her overall performance anchoring though was revered by peers and she deserves a fond farewell. So we wish her all the best in retirement and beyond.

*I'm not a consultant for KPIX and I don't read into just what the plans are there (maybe they don't have any) but I just cannot understand how a big station; a CBS-owned station here; can be so rudderless and clueless as to chug along without a concrete strategy for the future. This is AMATEUR hour, folks. They still DO NOT have a face of station; they have ZERO IDENTITY; they foist every new kid on the block off the streets of any town USA into reporter positions despite new reporter not having a clue about the people and geography of the Bay Area; it's a farce.

So keep showing those anemic "70th Anniversary" promos; it's a significant time too bad KPIX has been sullied through the years and present by terrible decisions; mismanaged direction; awful personnel moves and a station with zombies and has-beens. KPIX has no soul. Until the powers that be can get it right they'll be eternal bottom feeders.

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  1. - Wow, that was fast! Jennings next to go! Louie last one standing!
    - Need RL connections to contact CBS HQ in NY to ask about Rudderless SF, not to mention contacting Disney HQ to ask why Ashley hasn't been renewed and if Iger wants Trixie out, why is Trixie still here.

  2. KGO let her go due to her high salary and age. I do like watching her at 5PM blaming the morning crew on KGO changing everything. We are watching a jerk Reggie saying stuff LIVE like he is a PRO, one princess reporter always off the air maintaining herself but must give credits to Jessica wonderful performance. We get to watch Kristen, Eric Thomas let go onto weekends and back on field, Jennings on special assignment and special appearance on Thanksgiving Day.

  3. Kind of on this note, has Katie Marzullo turned up anywhere? I miss her.

  4. I love Cheryl Jennings. A solid reporter and someone who knows the Bay Area inside and out. She will be badly missed. She is one of the reasons I watched Channel 7 over the years.

    1. I agree 7:34. While a student in the Broadcasting Dept.
      at San Francisco State in the late 70's, I worked as an intern at KGO. Without a doubt, Cheryl Jennings was the nicest, classiest person at the station. I noticed she treated the security guard with as much respect as she showed Van Amburg. I was also working in youth sports at the time. I asked Cheryl to be our special guest at Girls
      Sports Award Night. Her mom took a fall the day of our event. Most people would have canceled, but she showed up
      because she knew there were 200 girls waiting for her.
      She autographed a photo for every girl and then hustled back to the hospital to be with her mom. One of the best people I've met.

  5. I used to work at KGO, and I've heard rumors she was "bossy" and "difficult." Never witnessed it myself. She's particular and fastidious, but I consider those *good* qualities. Another one of the golden vets bites the dust, and for those of you (like Rich) saying she wasn't done anything lately, that's only because management hasn't let her, because they're infatuated with you...and you can watch their morning circus/show and see where *that's* gotten them.

  6. Carolyn Tyler and Jennings? Whoa. Is Jennings the last link to the Amburg era?

  7. Cheryl Jennings was also a feisty street reporter and a journalist with real sources. To survive in that competitive milieu for so many decades is a tribute to her brains, hard work, and finesse.Such survivors are rare. You ask if anyone cares The many people she helped over those years by telling their stories, and the colleagues with whom she worked do care, because they appreciate quality. Job well done, Cheryl!

  8. David Louie and Kristen Sze have got to be nervous. Next...

  9. Congratulations Cheryl on a well deserved retirement - hope she gets to enjoy retirement as much as Don Sanchez has

  10. What a baseless smear against Jennings because she was a stickler for detail in her reporting.

  11. I agree. Cheryl was great at adlibbing, IMHO, better than anyone there for years. However, she was too often given the "softball" stories which never taxed her potential. For years, when "Oprah" was at 4pm, the news director would send her to Chicago for a week long taping of "inside Oprah" for the next sweeps. It was pure promotion and no news. But, she pulled it off as best she could with a "nothing burger" assignment. She also did a lot of charity stories and truly enjoyed meeting those with unfortunate and tragic diseases. Good luck Cheryl. The end of an era.
