Friday, September 28, 2018

Urgent Final Plea

Image result for 415 media logoWE'VE REACHED THE END OF THE LINE HERE.

Searching for ways to make 415 Media sustainable and independent --always a difficult chore but not thoroughly impossible.

But now the time has come.


If you desire a daily, three or more posting media blog then I NEED YOUR HELP.


I was set to suspend the account but thought I would give it one last time. So today, I ask you to make the push and step to the plate and become a PAID member to 415 Media. Any donation helps but a one year subscription at 25 bucks (or two years at $30; $99.99 for lifetime) is vital to keep this blog open.

If we can't reach our goal of at least 10 paid subscriptions (and/or a combination) of contributions, we'll regrettably suspend operations. It's that simple.

Please help the cause as we are now in a whole and need your help.


Click on the "Pay Pal" "Donate" button on right side of blog; it takes less than a minute to subscribe and you do not have to have a Pay Pal account to contribute.
Six Months: $19.99

One Year: $24.99

Two Years: $29.99

Lifetime: $99.99

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