Sunday, September 30, 2018

This and That Sunday 415 Media Nuggets

Image result for this and that I'M BEING REPETITIVE HERE, granted, but my gosh, KCBS, are you so Entercomed Out that stories now on the weekend are repeated at least four times every other couple hours? It's disgusting, it's boring and it makes for dull radio too.

Add to that the freakish female voice I heard on this (Sunday morning) co-anchoring with Jon Bristow. She sounded like an Encino valley girl. All that was missing was some Frank Zappa music.

*In the pinkie I read (again, for the 20,000th time, the new BARHOF (Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame inductees, 2018) one guy, Brian Sussman, huh? KSFO's circus man in the morning --oy vey, help us all please.

*Once again, Ben Fong-Torres, otherwise known as Press Release Ben, devotes another column to the above-mentioned BARHOF, (no knock on your org, David Jackson) ; instead of, god forbid, writing about how Entercom is destroying KCBS; KGO being, once again, in another fog; KFOG dying a slow, tedious death, BFT is pimping yet again another BARHOF piece. Remember the days when Ben was must-read and interesting and I'm not referring to his Rolling Stone days.

*Speaking of KFOG, is there a person out there that actually still listens to that monstrosity?

*Cheryl Jennings at KGO-TV had an interesting interview with Congresswoman, Jackie Speier, on the 40th anniversary of Jonestown --she was an aide to Leo Ryan, the congressman who was killed on the air strip in Guyana along with others. It was a dark day in the Bay Area and it got darker two weeks later with the Moscone/Milk murders committed by Dan White. 1978. Not exactly a perky year in Bay Area history.

*Usually there's at least one of two decent reporters at the worst TV News station but KPIX gets an exception: I can't stand any of their reporters who look and sound like they just left the Des Moines Rotary club. I pick Des Moines because somebody from Fresno ridiculed me for using the Fresno label. Sorry, Fresno has great raisins , I forgot.

Image result for misty copeland
Misty Copeland
*Here's a Copeland I adore: Misty Copeland.

*We (I) didn't get nearly enough paid subscriptions here but we carry on...for the moment and seek out a way to be sustainable and me afford a few extra boxes of Life cereal.

*Cornell Barnard: I had no idea KGO hired pompous jerks like this guy who I'm told is indeed, a "big jerk" at the office. Maybe he should apply for a News Director job.

*Absolutely the very BEST sports writer at the Chronicle: John Shea.

*There was a time when the Chron had pretty good columnists; a lot in fact. Now, I can't read any of'em especially the guy opposite Garchik who writes about his wife every day. (His dad, Art Hoppe, was ten times better).

*Let the children back into the house: Thank God, after tonight, No More 'Giants Replay, the radio equivalent of an ingrown toe nail.

*The most overbearing, lazy, repetitive "news" coverage of the year, again and again and again: Fleet Week and "The Blue Angels" performing. It's not a knock on the Navy and the Angels; love the Angels but the over coverage and same old actualities, especially from the housewives in the Marina is boring and nauseating. Yes, it's a story but at the back of the newscast --a closer, if you will.

*Chef/schmuck Ryan Scott: taking more fake phone calls on his KGO Radio "show" which is fine but Scott's hijinks are so bad now as to be preposterous. Another Ronn Owens interview would be time for a trip to Siberia for Scott who is so full of arugula his ass stinks.

*Put Scott on with human windbag, Ethan Bear!man and Ronnnnn and you have a perfect trifecta. By the way, Bearman, the cackling, pedantic nobody that KGO thinks is "hip" couldn't break wind after a burrito express all-you-can eat buffet.

*Yeah, Bearman does his show from LA: real live and local.

*Tony Bruno took the high road; a few years ago he told me Gary Radnich threw him under the bus. Those weren't his exact words but pretty much the same. He insinuated that Radnich didn't fight for him to KNBR (Cumulus management) when the Bruno segment was 86ed. Radnich is a week dick. I believe Bruno who will probably deny this so as not to offend Gary but I know it and heard it myself.

*I hear the ex and present KNBR female interns could themselves open a chapter of the #MeToo movement, paging Larry Baer.

*Bonnie Jill-Laflin: the heterosexual Kate Scott. 

*KQED: the overwrought, overblown, overrated, PBS outlet here makes roughly $80 million a year in membership and overall revenue but can't produce thirty minutes of local news every weeknight which should tell you a lot about KQED, the pledge break station.

*At KQED, you get a coffee mug and t-shirt for 50 bucks membership a year. I have to starve for the nerve of asking you all for 2 bucks a month and I have 100X better material. OK, no coffee mugs, thanks for asking.

*Dear Frank Somerville: we all have dirty laundry, like myself, for example. I think you're quality on the air, for the most part, Frank, but off the air, I know too much and damn, I'm still bummed and you know what I'm referring to.

*Mark Ibanez: see above item.

*Ken Wayne has become more duller at KRON which is sort of harder to accomplish these days.

FINALLY...So long, Carolyn Tyler, of KGO-TV retiring after 32 years.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor
Carolyn Tyler (l) retires from KGO; seen with Lisa Argen


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  1. - Repetition plus endless Hairpiece news = Tuning out KCBS. Sad.
    - About a few weeks after, the late great Zappa probably got tired of that song, outside of hearing his daughter Moon Unit (yes, that is her exact name, though she shortened to Moon after Frank's death in 1993.)
    - Is there any way to make sure D Jackson does not at all induct the talent-impaired Sussman? (I remember reading that term often in Bill Mann's long ago Tribune TV column before he headed to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, then I think retirement after that? Yes, aware of his creepy tabloid part of his writing career as "Arnie Gold".)
    - It's possible that BFT's readers like what they see, even if we want to see more critical comments.
    - Can't believe that KFOG may still have the same ad revenue.
    - Speier has already been reminded of her Ryan Nightmare for the past two years, except there has been no cyanide since 2016.
    - So the only PIX question is this: What about Bastida's contract talks? Still pending?
    - 1000% agree with you on the Great Misty!
    - Use all RL connections to see if they know big money donors.
    - Sorry that Bernard's reporting isn't matched by persona. A Trixie Fave? If Disney is finally listened to, does Cornell go, too?
    - John Shea: Co-wrote Rickey Henderson's Confessions of a [Base] Thief memoirs. After the No. 1 NL Rivalry ends up the wrong way 10 games to 9, maybe Shea will tell it like it is to Lockstep, if he is rightfully respected enough. (Is he?)
    - I keep forgetting there is another Hoppe at the Chron.
    - The dreadful Replay isn't all the Giants need to can.
    - You're right about the Fleet Week overhype - out of hand, and many, as much as they thank those who serve, definitely don't thank the ones who don't serve.
    - If KGO Radio has new management, why isn't Scott gone, especially if ratings suck?
    - If ratings are bad here, then why does KGO Radio still think Bearman is "hip"?
    - If KGO wants real Bay radio, no LA broadcasts, please.
    - The Bentley doesn't have as much power as he used to, so if Bruno has to let it go, he should.
    - Unfortunately, Bay newspapers do not have their own Ronan Farrow to go after Lockstep if he is a hemorroid to #MeToo.
    - Sorry about BJL
    - Is the pledge break really a scam? Again, a shame that Bay media has nobody to take on the KQED monstrosity.
    - Life is unfair. Case in point, RL's donations v KQED's.
    - So Somerville has been completely FOX-ified off the air?
    - So Ibanez is deeper entrenched with The Firm off the air as well?
    - Watching paint dry is more interesting than watching Wayne dry?
    - No! Hope this was Tyler's exclusive decision, but as long as you-know-who is still around, one never knows. Only Jennings & Louie remain from the Van Amburg Era, and Jennings would likely be next, leaving Louie the last one standing.

    1. @8:13 I doubt its Stan. Too coherent. I did however take a look at Stan's "blog" the other day. He's been ripping Rich, calling him lazy and crazy. He's also been busy mocking his religion by calling yom kippur "yummy strippers day". And of course he still goes on and on about Gary. So much hate in that elderly fella.

    2. I found it so refreshing not to see the Observer's name mentioned in this blog for months.

  2. Cornell was an idiot in Monterey at KMST. Don't pay him no attention,he wont bite, he is just annoying.

    1. I hope there are no similar idiots at now-KION. I'm going to be down in Carmel for a couple of days, and I sure hope the KION folks I see after watching NCIS: New Orleans are well-respected. Then again, I wonder if I shouldn't hold my breath.

  3. Holy smokes!! I was watching Carolyn Tyler earlier today thinking, boy is she a survivor and has been around for a long time. Didn't know she was leaving. She was a good one and from my perch in front of my TV(s) over the years she seemed like a class act. Enjoy retirement Carolyn.

  4. I say the other day that Moon (Unit) Zappa turned 52. I'm getting old

    1. For sure, for sure.

    2. LOL, 12:26! Can't believe she's older than me!

  5. You knock Kate Scott and Bonnie Jill-Laflin but you praise Misty Copeland? You lost all credibility right there. I can't believe this racism.

    You only like Misty for her Copelands.

    1. You know Richie and Gary loves him some sistas.

    2. Misty Copeland is the world's prima ballerina.Did you think that was evil or unaccomplished?

  6. What’s up with KGO? No Pat Thurston, only CNN audio?

    1. That's like hot garbage filling in for decades old spoiled milk. Still an improvement.

  7. Never mind. Apparently KGO was streaming CNN audio while the terrestrial station broadcast a 49ers game....

  8. Most overrated Chron sports writer, Bruce Jenkins by far...

    1. He's a bit of a homer . . .

    2. Jenkins is gold --- same with Scott O. and Ann K. So many haters here.

    3. Note, all RL readers, that RL still respects Ostler but not Jenkins or Killion, even as they write the same injury misery that took place in Carson yesterday as the Niners fell to the Chargers.

    4. Jenkins is simply a shill for the Giants...On Giants telecasts they like to mention and show Jenkins rental boat each time it enters McCovey Cove, in return Bruce says nice things about the Giants, e.g. why wasn't he talking about getting rid of Bobby Evans prior to it happening? How many times has he called them out for these horrible contracts? That's what a good journalist does, but maybe he doesn't even consider himself a journalist?

  9. things we won't ever miss: "uncle towney" anda his new sidekick the butcher yelling and cackling at each other for four hours a night...chef ryan who has to rank up there with the worst radio "personallites" in a long, long time slobbering over his suck up friends or the 49er post game radio show with johnnie lund and larry the windbag

    1. That Butcher Boy guy is the absolute worst, I quickly have to switch to NPR or anything else when he's on.

  10. Hey, Richie-poo: Agreed. Hoppe can't hold a candle to his dad. Kevin Paulson-Fisher, on the other hand, is a delightful Wednesday read. Terrific writer. Oh, I had no idea that "Radnich is a week dick". I always thought he was a month dick. Silly me.

  11. That KFOG morning show is so so bad. I don't know how it has lasted this long. I find myself changing the dial to A&G during Alice breaks; even though I'm not a fan of their politics, they are still less painful than that Woody Show.

  12. Ben Fong-Torres, the most excruciatingly boring writer in bay area history.
    Pass the milk please.

  13. KFOG must be REALLY BAD now for you to mention them. Even I, a one-time loyal FOGhead dumped them back when they fired their whole staff a cpl years back and then after bringing Rosalie back fired her again too. Waiting for when they become KNBR-FM :p
